Datbury's blog


Monday, June 13, 2005

Michael Jackson: Not Guilty

The first song that I remember hearing sang by Jackson was ABC. Of course it was the Jackson Five back then, and they were singing before I was born. My older sister was a huge Michael Jackson fan, and still is to this day. She was fortunate to win free tickets to see him in concert during his Thriller tour. That must have been an exciting experience. Fast Forward almost 20 years (I'm telling my age a little), and we have the trial that just ended. I never thought Michael Jackson was guilty. I always thought that he really lost his childhood, and was trying to find it through interacting with kids. The only thing that Michael needs is therapy. I don't know him personally, and have never met him, but from what I've seen and read, he really is a lonely person who simply needs therapy, and more adult relationships.