Stop at two
Two what? Is that your first thought? Barry White sings that some people say that too much of anything is not good. As far as money is concerned, I'd like to experience that first hand, but until that day comes, I'd like to send out a personal recommendation regarding children. I have three, two boys and a girl. I love them to death, and would not trade any of them for any amount of money, fame status, or Stevie Wonder collection. They really bring joy to my life, and I am sincerely glad that God has purposed me to have three kids. Okay, okay, my wife had them, but you get my point. For those of you who do not have any kids, or have one or two, stop at two. Three kids is a lot to handle. Some of you may have come from big families, but I urge to stop at two. Unless you have a nanny, or family who can't get enough of your kids(I know that my family on both sides will say thank you, but no thank you), stop at two. Don't stop to think about my words, just heed them. And when you didn't listen, please find this website to tell me why you should have listened. Thanks!
papa j, you are too funny...sounds like you have your hands full :) you realize i have yet to meet child 1, 2, or 3! give them all a big hug and kiss for me please!
love ya,
lil sis
Anonymous, at 7:34 PM
Oh, you have no idea. Just remember my words!
Datbury, at 6:08 PM
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