Datbury's blog


Saturday, July 16, 2005


If a doctor violated the oath of Hippocrates, would he/she be in danger of losing his/her license, or would that simply be a code of ethics violation on his/her record? Before you google the answer, think about this: Does it really matter what happens to him/her? What about the person the doctor refused to help? In writing this, I am not thinking nor am aware of any specific example where a doctor violated this oath. I am confident that all doctors will at least take a look at any person who presents themselves gravely ill and are unable to get to a hospital immediately. Having said that, hypocrisy is not limited to medicine. It takes place in almost every aspect of society. People saying one thing, but doing another. Religions are notorious for exhibiting hypocratic behaviors. Some of them talk about doing what is right, but when the time comes to walk that walk, they see, to conveniently forget to exemplify the same values that they espouse. If I have seen it one hundred times, I've seen it one million. Now here, I'm thinking of several specific examples, but I won't name anyone. What's the point? Is hypocrisy a part of human nature since most people fall victim to it? I have often wondered that, but I believe it to be a spiritual matter. But as usual, its easier to focus on another's shortcomings than to try and fix ourselves. Its easier to worry about your leaky rook although my roof is ready to cave in. Can't anyone see this? Are we so blinded by what others think of us that we can't see the truth? The truth is that we can change, and we can be whoever we want to be. Last time I looked, I wasn't a leopard.