Datbury's blog


Friday, September 08, 2006

Wrong side of the bed

Ever wake up there? I've done it plenty of times, but am usually pretty good at keeping my emotions under control, but this morning I am just not able to do it.

Despite having a successful open house last night, I woke up with a chip on my shoulder. I am tired of dealing with the same shyte over and over and over. Stop talking about what you're going to do and just do it. I think that there are more people walking around with undiagnosed depression and do not even realize it.

I think the idea of introspection frightens people so much that they acquire additional realities to avoid looking at the one that is real.

I think, just like in that movie Akeelah and the Bee, some people are afraid to let their light shine.

I think that sometimes I give too much attention to the negative people in my life, and not enough to the positive ones.

I think that if somebody approaches me in a wrong manner on today, they will get cussed out.

I think . . . . . .I need to get back to work.


  • I wake up on the wrong side of the bed most days. Especially this last week. I know that cuss out feeling. (If you do cuss out someone be sure to blog about it...K?) :)

    By Blogger shpprgrl, at 7:29 AM  

  • I got up on the right side of the bed today...literally. However, I am deeply introspetive today. i am wondering if I am making the same mistakes i've made in the past, and avoiding looking at the red flags because I don't want to deal with reality.

    By Blogger Trouble, at 6:58 AM  

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