Datbury's blog


Monday, January 23, 2006

Coming of age . . . . . .

On Sunday, January 22, 2006, my oldest son(6 years), on his own recognizance, gave his life to Christ. The pastor performed the altar call, and my son raised his hand. I asked him if he wanted to go to the altar, and he said yes. He walked down like a big boy by himself(unbeknownst to him I was following behind), and he accepted Christ into his life.

I was proud and scared at the same time. I feel that he has made the right decision although one could debate whether or not he really knows what he was doing.

I never pushed him. I only make him pray at night and before meals. He asks questions, and I answer them as honestly as I can.

I'm scared because I want his focus to be on the relationship, and not the religion. But this is his choice right now, and God will take care of him.