Datbury's blog


Thursday, December 15, 2005

Let's get blowed!

When I came up with this title, I thought of shoelimpy. :)

Apparently, a professor is upset with the government's monopoly on weed(not heroin), and wants to grow some of his own. He says that the government's marijuana isn't strong enough.

I wonder where Clinton got his stash? Wondering if I'm talking about Bill or George? Heh, both!!

It irks me to know that the government has been growing reefer for 35 years. My tax dollars have been contributing to this program. I don't smoke pot, but somebody is getting high off of that supply, unless of course, you ask the professor! I wonder what Chris Tucker would say about that. Oh yeah, he doesn't smoke anymore.


  • When I first read your title, I thought of you! It's a small world after all, Datbury ;)

    I was actually wondering which George Clinton you were referring to. The 20th century funkmaster or the 19th century vice President?

    By Blogger Allen, at 12:36 PM  

  • Bill Clinton got it from Willie Nelson or so I've heard.

    The funkmaster recieves his from the space aliens that visit him daily.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:58 PM  

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