Datbury's blog


Wednesday, August 24, 2005

High Gas


What are we going to do about these gas prices? I can't believe that riding with the a/c on has become a luxury! If it weren't for my kids, I'd ride the bus. Riding the bus, or vanpooling is now cheaper than driving my own car. I am being forced to consider carpooling with a co-worker who doesn't have kids. Can you imagine? At first it may not be a problem, but later on, its horrible! My kids aren't bad, but if one doesn't have kids, it can take some adjusting to. Some people are resorting to stealing gas. I must admit, if I see you stealing gas, I will look the other way. Why? Because the gov't is looking the other way in regards to trying to control these gas prices. Since they are enabling thieves, why should I be any different?


  • China and India are driving up oil prices? Are you sure?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:43 AM  

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