Datbury's blog


Friday, December 02, 2005

Burying the Hatchet

Oprah and Dave ended their feud. Naomi and Tyra ended their feud. Is this going to become a trend? Will Bush end his feud with Saddam? Will the Commodores end their feud with Lionel? There is something magical or spiritual(depending upon your beliefs) about the holidays that seems to make people remember what is most important in life. I really enjoyed the conversation between Oprah and Letterman, and loved the fact that they appeared to be sincere in their efforts. If you are feuding with someone, be the bigger person and initiate a reconciliation today. Life is too short to hold on to a grudge, and holding one can contribute to unhealthy conditions. I have not been talking my own father for a few months, but we talked last night, and it was the coolest thing. As I'm writing, I don't even know why I was being so petty, but I strive to be the bigger person as much as I can. This time, he was as he called me first. Since I hate being the smaller person, I am re-comitting myself to trying to always do what is right because I usually know when I'm making such a choice. Join me and do the same.


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