Before getting married . . .
In Christianity, we believe that marriage is an institution that has been ordained by God. There is a covenant made between two parties in His presence that is essential to making the marriage last. Many people have memorized the vows because they are pretty similar across races/nationalities/ethnicities et al lines. But there is little talk about preparing for marriage. This is probably due to the fact that nothing in life can prepare you for it. Oh, you may see your parents, or other relatives and figure that is how marriage is supposed to be, but you have no idea what goes on behind closed doors. Pre-marital counseling is a good place to start when you and your potential mate are considering a trip down the aisle. It can help you turn your fantasy into a reality. Marriage takes a lot of work, and that work does not always pay off immediately. Take some time to get to know yourself, resolve your issues, and be sure that the person you are marrying is the one for you. Should you have any doubts, explore them. Being positive and being in love will not carry a marriage. What carries a marriage is the cooperation between the two individuals to treat each other as God has commanded and asked. Anything less would be uncivilized.
Glad to help out!
Datbury, at 8:15 AM
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