Datbury's blog


Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Outing Sheryl Swoopes

Probably the greatest individual female basketball player in the short history of the WNBA has proclaimed her sexual preference to the world. Why? As a straight man who loves basketball, as long as you're not molesting animals and kids, and you have a mean jump shot(which she has), I could care less about your preference! But perhaps that is the point. She did not come out for the benefit of people like me, but for people like herself. She seems to feel that her celebrity will probably encourage others who are "in the closet" to step out boldly and proudly. She probably feels that this will answer some questions that a few people have already asked silently regarding her sexuality. I mean, if she weren't gay, why didn't she ask me out? But that is besides the point again. As long as her game is tight, do your thing.


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