Toilet Seat Issue Resolved
Put the seat and the lid down. This way, your SO won't fall in, and both parties have to raise a portion of the seat. A more pressing issue is the use of the toothpaste tube. Most toothpaste boxes explicitly state, "Best results achieved if squeezed from the bottom". Why do some people still squeeze from the middle? It makes the tube a complete mess at the top. And eventually you will have to squeeze from the bottom because the top half of the tube is empty! I see why Albert Einstein only had one style of clothes that he wore simply stating, "I have no time to waste pondering such insignificant things." If the box or the tube says squeeze from the bottom, obviously some intern or fluoride engineer had nothing better to do than to study the effects of squeezing a tube of toothpaste. Since he or she has arrived at a conclusion, stop wasting your time pondering insignificant matters and squeeze from the bottom.
How is the toilet seat issue resolved when there are still so many people who shall remain nameless still leaving the toilet seat up? I'm so sorry, I know that you might have wanted more of my highest intellect on this matter but I have none. Guess whoooo?
Anonymous, at 5:16 PM
Well "anonymous", we have more than one bathroom, and this is the first I've heard of complaints regarding the seat situation. Nevertheless, it is put down.
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