Datbury's blog


Thursday, February 02, 2006

Do you know what today is?

Its my anniversary month. I started blogging 1 year ago this month, and I have been blogging for a year now. Believe it or not, I'm actually excited about this minor milestone, but as I read through my entire blog this morning, I feel that many of my topics and writings have been very surface, and not very inviting IMO. I don't feel as if I am establishing any type of connection with anybody through my words. Perhaps I need to record some midis and post them, but until I do, I think that I will open up much more. Apparently my students have stopped reading my blog, so I can venture out beyond the port. I can expand and get much deeper into my thoughts. In doing so, I will tweak the appearance a little bit as well. So fasten your seatbelts, you're going on a ride like never before, and take that how you will. :)