Datbury's blog


Wednesday, August 31, 2005

On hold

My blog will be temporarily on hold while I assist my family from New Orleans in getting settled in Houston.

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Go directly to jail. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200!


Mugshots.com! Ever wanted to see a celebrity or your average Joe in a mugshot? Well here is the site where you can do just that. Hopefully you won't find your picture on there, but if you do, let me know.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

High Gas


What are we going to do about these gas prices? I can't believe that riding with the a/c on has become a luxury! If it weren't for my kids, I'd ride the bus. Riding the bus, or vanpooling is now cheaper than driving my own car. I am being forced to consider carpooling with a co-worker who doesn't have kids. Can you imagine? At first it may not be a problem, but later on, its horrible! My kids aren't bad, but if one doesn't have kids, it can take some adjusting to. Some people are resorting to stealing gas. I must admit, if I see you stealing gas, I will look the other way. Why? Because the gov't is looking the other way in regards to trying to control these gas prices. Since they are enabling thieves, why should I be any different?

Friday, August 19, 2005

Thinking and living positive

Its sounds so "cliche-ish" to say, "think positive thoughts", but the truth is that thinking positive thoughts feeds the soul. When Christians read the bible, they are reading positive passages that feed the soul. Do you ever wonder how some people can go through hell and yet come out of it smiling, giving, and having a pleasant demeanor? If you ask them, or just hang around them, they are positive people! They bless almost everyone they meet. They rarely if ever gossip about people. They never squash the dreams of others. They believe that they can fly! This probably sounds like a Mary Poppins revival commercial, but in my short lifetime, I see the difference between happy lives and sad lives. Its important to be positive about everything, because when you are, you birth positivity in not only other people, but yourself as well. When you breed positivity, negativity has to move. When you speak the name of Jesus, the demons flee. When you speak goodness and love, hatred and envy has to flee. Its a simple concept people, but it takes practice, especially if you're used to complaining about what you don't have, or what people have done to you. Its beneficial for your mental health. Do you feed your body? Well, why not feed your spirit because your body is connected to your spirit, and when your spirit doesn't function properly, your body won't function properly. Its only a matter of time before it breaks down. Start today.

Friday, August 12, 2005

Nuke Mecca

That is what I read on the back of a truck in Houston. I didn't actually see the truck personally, but this truck made the news! The driver was interviewed, and you got the feeling that this guy was anti-Muslim, but aren't most Americans? After 9/11, and the images of life in Afghanistan and Iraq dominating media coverage, many in America have come believe that all Muslims are anti-American. All Muslims supposedly hate the freedom that America has. All Muslims are willing to blow themselves to smithereens all in the name of Allah because the jihad is at hand! Funny thing is that Islam is currently the fastest growing religion in the world. But here is my question: Does religion have hands and feet, toes and fingers, eyes and ears to be able to attack America? Absolutely not! Do guns kill people, or do people kill people? Are people so blind and stupid that they can't decipher propaganda from truth? I wonder if that guy ever read the Koran, or if any people who claim that all Muslims are evil have ever read the Koran? They would probably say that there are verses which promote violence that should be considered. Well, people once used bible verses to justify slavery, justify the slaughtering of millions of people, abusing women, and throwing paint on your fur coat. Wait, did I write "once used?" Wake up people, and nuke ignorance.